M 1500 H01 (Mo Farah, Rupp, Andrews tight finish, Oxy 2012)
May 18, 2012
Mo, Galen and RobbyAndrews! Yup A guy in a cotton tank top almost beat the World Champ Section 1 1 Mo Farah Nike O T C 3:34.66 2 Galen Rupp Nike O T C 3:34.75 3 Robby Andrews Unattached 3:34.78 4 Leo Manzano Nike 3:36.08 5 AJ Acosta Unattached 3:36.41 6 Riley Masters U/Oklahoma 3:37.19 7 Alan Webb Nike 3:37.26 8 Peter Van Der Westhuzen South Africa 3:37.45 9 Miles Batty BYU 3:37.50 10 Will Leer Nike 3:39.31 11 Brian Gagnon N J-N Y TC 3:39.49 12 Andrew Bumbalough Nike O T C 3:40.11